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Professor Xu Bo Has His Article on Xi Jinping’s Foreign Policy Thinking Published on the Official Website of “Valdai Club”, a Russian think tank
author: Date: 2022-08-16 View:

    Recently, the article titled “Xi Jinping’s Foreign Policy Thinking and Sino-Russian Cooperation in the Changing of the International Order”, written by Professor Xu Bo at the Northeast Asian Research Center of Jilin University, has been published in both Russian and English by Valdai Club, the most internationally influential think tank in Russia. The article has been among the think-tanks most viewed and shared articles on Russian social media in 2022.

    The article systematically explains the basic connotation and great significance of Xis foreign policy thinking and analyzes the leading role played by Xis foreign policy thinking in Sino-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. It is stressed that facing a big change not seen in a century, Xis foreign policy thinking is actually the main guiding principle of practical cooperation and strategic communication between China and Russia. The article holds that in the changing world order, China and Russia are supposed to facilitate interaction in high-tech, climate change and regional development strategies while continuing to strengthen the traditional cooperation.

    Initiated and established by the Russias Council on Foreign and Defense Policy and RIA Novosti in 2004, Valdai Club is a global think tank and dialogue institution in Russia. Its annual conference, personally attended and addressed by President Vladimir Putin, is an important platform for other countries to learn about Russias domestic and foreign policies, and also a vital think tank for Russian president and its administration.

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