Associate Professor
Institute of World Economics
Major of World Economics
Contact Information
Email: hongmei_li@jlu.edu.cn
Office Tel: 0431-85166393
Short Biography
From 2000 to 2014, she obtained a bachelor degree of economics in 2002, Master degree of economics in 2005 and a PhD degree in 2011, from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, the Graduate School of Economics, and the Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata University, Japan. She completed postdoctoral research work in 2014.
During in Japan, she served as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economic Sciences at Niigata University, Japan from 2008 to 2009, as a lecturer at Sanjyousyougyou High-School at Niigata Prefectural, Japan from 2009 to 2014, and as a Research assistant at The Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA) from 2011 to 2014.
In September 2014, she was introduced by Jilin University as an overseas talent. She is currently an associate professor and Master Instructor at Northeast Asian Studies College, Institute of World Economics, Jilin University, and a researcher at Japanese Studies Institute, Northeast Asian Research Center of Jilin University.
Research Interest
Her research direction is Japanese economy, Northeast Asia regional economy, international logistics, etc. During in Japan, she conducted research on the following two aspects. One is to study Japan's fiscal policy, public investment effects, and the impact of social capital stock on macroeconomic growth. The second is to further study the progress and issues of economic cooperation between Northeast China and Northeast Asian countries on the basis of studying the financial situation and government investment effects in Northeast China. After returning to China, her research focus is still on continuing to track and in-depth study of new trends and new topics in the Japanese economy, while paying attention to the implementation of the "The Belt and Road initiative". Especially in the field of cross-border transportation and logistics, how to achieve high-quality, high-efficiency and sustainable development is the main research topic of her current concern.
[1] Opportunities and Challenges for the International Development of China's Automobile Industry in the New Era, LI Hongmei, Interregional Economic Cooperation and Balanced Development, Beijing: Hongqi Press, August 2020, 52-73.
[2] Research on Logistics Cooperation between China and Japan under the Framework of "The Belt and Road initiative", LI Hongmei, Blue Book of Japanese Economic: Annual Report on Japanese Economy and Sino-Japanese Economic & Trade Relations (2019), Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press, May 2019, 296-307.
[3] Research on the "Going Global" Issues of Japanese Railways from the Perspective of Government-Enterprise Cooperation, LI Hongmei, National Policy Transition and the Future of Japan, Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press, December 2018, 132-148.
[4] An Analysis of Public Financial Management of Northeastern China: since the implementation of the northeast revitalization strategy, ZHU Yonghao, LI Hongmei, ZHANG Zhongren, Shimane Journal of Policy Studies, Vol.29, February 2015, 13-28.
[5] The Current Status and Future Prospects for Public Financial Management in Northeastern China, LI Hongmei, ERINA REPORT, No.113, September 2013, 16-23.
[6] Reexamination of the Productivity Effect of Social Capital in Japan: macro estimation focusing on structural changes up to the latest, LI Hongmei, Modern Social and Cultural Studies, No.51, July 2011, 31-43.
[7] Study on Intergovernmental Fiscal Relationships over the Public Works, LI Hongmei, New Visions in Economic Development and Environmental Conservation, No.2, March 2011, 12-24.
[8] Analysis of the Productivity of Social Capital: estimates made by public utilities directly controlled by the state, subsidized by the state and local independent, KAMEDA Keigo, LI Hongmei, Fiscal Research: The Road to Fiscal Health and Tax Reform, Vol.4, October 2008, 148-164.